Herrlingen 8
Basic information
Sample name: Herrlingen 8
Reference: R. Ziegler. 1994. Rodentia (Mammalia) aus den oberoligozånen Spaltenfüllungen Herrlingen 8 und Herrlingen 9 be Ulm (Baden-Württemberg). Stuttgarter Beitråge zur Naturkunde. Serie B (Geologie und Palåontologie) 196:1-81 [ER 2425]
Country: Germany
State: Baden-Württemberg
Coordinate: 48° 25' N, 9° 54' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Late Oligocene
Zone: MP28
Age basis: zone
Geography comments: "in der Mitte der vierten Abbausohle Reste der Füllung" of the "Herrlinger Wiessjura-Steinbruch, ca. 8 km W Ulm" (coordinate based on Herrlingen)
Substrate: ground surface
Lithology: limestone
Habitat comments: a large "Spalte. Der rote Spaltenkalk war zum Teil dicht gepackt mit Knochen und Zåhnen"
Life forms: rodents
Sampling methods: screenwash
Sample size: 1347 specimens
Years: 1991
Sampling comments: "ca. 200 kg Sediment" was processed
additional taxa other than a previously published Propalaeochoerus gergovianus (one tooth) are not discussed; other small mammals and probably ungulates are presumed to be present based on the composition of the other Herrlingen samples
additional taxa other than a previously published Propalaeochoerus gergovianus (one tooth) are not discussed; other small mammals and probably ungulates are presumed to be present based on the composition of the other Herrlingen samples
Sample number: 2652
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2017-02-25 09:45:38
Modified: 2023-09-11 10:33:54
Abundance distribution
14 species
0 singletons
total count 1347
geometric series index: 15.4
Fisher's α: 2.178
geometric series k: 0.6441
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7477
Shannon's H: 1.8186
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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